Educational materials

On this page we provide a set of Powerpoint slides for use in lectures. These are not intended to be a complete, standalone course, but should serve as a basis upon which full lectures can be built based on the textbook. Please let us know if you notice any errors or places where we should add content or clarify the discussion.

We will be adding chapters as they are completed (currently, 13 of 14 are available). If you require chapters that are not posted, please contact us at contact -at-

Powerpoint slides per chapter:

  1. Introduction : [PPT]
  2. Concepts in Concurrency : [PPT]
  3. Concurrency Control : [PPT]
  4. State of the Art : [PPT]
  5. High-Level Language Constructs : [PPT]
  6. Historical Context and Evolution of Languages : [PPT]
  7. Modern Languages and Concurrency Constructs : [PPT]
  8. Performance Considerations and Modern Systems : [PPT]
  9. Introduction to Parallel Algorithms : [PPT]
  10. Pattern: Task Parallelism : [PPT]
  11. Pattern: Data Parallelism : [PPT]
  12. Pattern: Recursive Algorithms : [PPT]
  13. Pattern: Pipelined Algorithms :
  14. Appendices: OpenMP, Erlang, Cilk quick references : [PPT]

Download archive of all chapters: Available when all chapters complete. Check back later.

Last modified: February 2011